The exhibition features original prints by the gallery artists as well as original paintings on paper and with paper.
Participating artists:
Catherine Anholt (oil on paper)
Indrajeet Chandrachud (collage of newsprint on wood)
Mark Charlton (mixed media on paper)
Elaine Coles (digital art)
Christopher Corr (gouache on paper)
Marcelle Hancelaar (etchings)
Sue Munson (acrylic on paper)
Gustavo Ortiz (paper collage on canvas)
Jitka Palmer (watercolour)
Jesus Perea (digital art)
Nicola Rose (oil and acrylic on paper)
Sarah Ross – Thompson (collagraph prints)
Manja Scott (collagraph, linocut)
Gill Smith (digital art, laser-cut prints)
Debra Sweeney (mixed media paintings and limited edition prints)
Andy Waite (oil sketches)
Figurative sculptures by Beatrice Hoffman and ceramics by Ania Perkowska are on view on the upper floor throughout the exhibition.